воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cape of good hope film

As I type the manwife is struggling with the wonders of rail replacement bus services to get back to his place and Iapos;m supposed to be knocking up some model solutions. But Iapos;m not. Nope. Iapos;m taking an undeserved break to tell you about my weekend: On Friday my former office mate from Ireland dropped by (heapos;d been workshopping in London) and we went for a few of the not-Guinnessapos;. After a few of the foaming ales all the cares and stresses of our respective weeks drained away like an emptying slops tray. A few beverages and weapos;d worked ourselves up into a paroxysm of rage at a) the return of Peter Mandelson to the cabinet and b) the medias coverage of this and the credit crunch. No doubt convinced ourselves that we had the perfect solution to the global fiscal troubles (if only weapos;d written it down). Thereapos;s every chance we may have resolved his relationship woes as well but I really canapos;t remember. Thankfully the manwife arrived and escorted us to a restaurant where we not only dined but extracted a carry out keg of beer (microbrewery) to attack back at the flat. By this time the river-sharks who live in my carpet held no fear for us and we negotiated the stroll home and collapsed in various heaps on sofas and proceeded to turn our attentions to the aforementioned carry out. Finally in the bleary small hours of Saturday morning we ran out of rubbish to say to each other and went to bed - however, I can confidently state that at no stage was anyone really drunk because the following line wasnapos;t uttered: "Hitler, right, and Churchill and Hitler well he was...a vegetarian and thatapos;s all Iapos;m sayinapos; on the subject" which is the official litmus paper test of drunkenness.

The remainder of the weekend was spent (after waving off our guest) catching up on our Gay Couple 101 coursework - i.e., buying matching dressing gowns, slippers and amusing ourselves by lounging around in these identical outfits saving the world from some Lovecroftian nightmare horrors. Oh, and there may have been some sodomy... Right back to those model solutions.

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FYE Results wasnapos;t as bad as i expected..Well.. Excecpt.. MATHS .Flunk the paper but passed on the dot for overall.Thanks to it.. I have teacher parent conference -.-� Pray that i wont get into the bridging course. Hopefully,� they wonapos;t have any ridiculous post exams activites. Staying in class playing bridge, spazzing over the boys and trying to get at least a B in DJMax would totally PAWNSS over sitting in the school hall and watching a video about "What to do when you encounter a thunderstorn" Very Educational indeed.

Chunface lives up to his name . :)
4 more days~~~~

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bob cupp design

Thanks for all the great comments on my original posting on this. So we went out again tonight, it was fun, but not the same. It was sort of like the magic was gone. I donapos;t know why. He does not have a boyfriend and it became apparent from his comments that I would not be the next one. But Iapos;m okay with it, things he said tonight made it obvious he is not someone that would be good for me as a partner. We did have a fun time though and I think we will be good friends. Happy Halloween week everyone

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bamboozle 2006

I just got off the phone with a client (seller) that I have been avoiding talking to for almost 2 weeks.... His place has been reduced over 30k and is STILL not selling....

I donapos;t know why I work myself up about nothing... He was great.... In fact he suggested another 10k price reduction.... I didnapos;t even have to ask which, BTW, I HATE HATE HATE HATE doing

I love my job still, but wish it were not quite so dismal right now.

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ball handling python

Iapos;m sorry for the recent lack of posts. I recently have been rather busy and in a bit of a stupor as of late, even though I know that is a poor excuse for a teacher to give. Either way, I will do my best to keep up with these journals more.

On another note, I need to visit the art store sometime. Iapos;ve run out of origami paper and my printerapos;s simply isnapos;t suitable. Now if I can just think of something interesting to make...

[[Private, unhackable unless you really care about Konanapos;s vague/apathetic thoughts]]

Hm. It seems that Deidara-sensei has returned from... Wherever he was. Iapos;m not very sure what to do in this situation, but Iapos;m also not sure it will make much of a�difference. I suppose weapos;ll see what happens as time goes on.


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

christian non profit

Here I stand, outside of my cave.� Excited, completely vulnerable, and confused.�

What a wonderful experience to have 3 people, who words cannot express my love for, to assist me in releasing some seriously dark and nasty energy that has haunted me and created havoc on my life.� It was like giving birth.� I�guess I really did give birth to myself.� But, now the real work begins.� The work that not only consists of more energy work but protecting myself and making good decisions of who and what I�allow to be a part of my painting. �

I�feel the need to create things with my hands.� Maybe itapos;s a result of the dying process I�went through this past weekend where I�lost feeling of my hands.� Nonetheless I�have begun working with wood.� I�have visions of creating things from nature and using beads to add my prayers. �

My chest pains are sharp and direct.� I�feel like I either need to be pulled in or cut loose.� Is it up to me to cut?� Back to the same battle from before.� But, at least I�am possibly a little more clear in order to make good decisions.� I feel strong enough to do anything that needs to be done.� But, Iapos;m afraid of sabotaging.� My intuition tells me different than the people in my life.� Which one is right?� And what does it really mean to cut energy cords?� Does it mean to stop loving the person?� Are the cords that are needing to be cut really with her, or are they from past relationships? Or both? � I guess maybe all need to be cut and if they are made to come back, they will.� Maybe thatapos;s what the Universe is waiting for me to do. Thereapos;s no turning back now.

Regardless of anything...I�have to remember that Iapos;m taken care of. �

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british housewives league

Iapos;m actually looking for new homes for both my main (70 tauren resto druid) and my first love (63 gnome frost mage). Both are on pvp servers currently and Iapos;m looking to get them both on the same pve server.

tldr; Where does everyone here live? Suggest a hopping pve server? Plz?

PS Is there somewhere a directory of where the members here play at mainly? Cause if there isnapos;t, there should be, imo.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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This is my first official entry on livejournal.� I think I had an account on here a few years ago, but I have no clue where�it went (if it ever existed.)
So here I am; I suppose I should introduce myself.
I turned 18 about a month ago, Iapos;m a girl, a college�student,�and I live in the USA.� Iapos;m an introvert; I enjoy talking to people as long as its on my terms.� Selfish, right?� I become physically and mentally exhausted if I talk for longer than about ten minutes straight.� I prefer to listen and Iapos;m very observant.� I notice social nuances and I think I would make a good sociologist, but I am exceedingly socially awkward, ironically.
I am obsessive about proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.� I have a caustic sense of humor and Iapos;m rather cynical.� However, I really do love nothing more than to laugh.� I love clever humor, such as wordplay or innuendo.� I have an absurdly dirty mind; I can pull more dirty meaning out of any given situation than a boy usually can.
If Iapos;m happy, Iapos;m very hyper and talkative; if Iapos;m angry, Iapos;m dead silent.� I have a huge fear of confrontation, rejection, and needles.� I�dislike tomatoes and carbonated drinks like (soda) pop.� I like very unique baby names.� Iapos;m an only child and I live in a rural area.� My only companions at home are my dogs.� But right now Iapos;m in college a state away from my home-state.� Math and science are my worst subjects.
Iapos;m very friendly and I tend to like everyone until they do something to cause me to dislike them.� Unfortunately, this is very easy to do.�� I have a strong suspicion that I am/have either bipolar, OCD, and/or a rage disorder.
Oh yeah, and I like writing in stream-of-consciousness style, as you may have noticed.� :)

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