четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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This is my first official entry on livejournal.� I think I had an account on here a few years ago, but I have no clue where�it went (if it ever existed.)
So here I am; I suppose I should introduce myself.
I turned 18 about a month ago, Iapos;m a girl, a college�student,�and I live in the USA.� Iapos;m an introvert; I enjoy talking to people as long as its on my terms.� Selfish, right?� I become physically and mentally exhausted if I talk for longer than about ten minutes straight.� I prefer to listen and Iapos;m very observant.� I notice social nuances and I think I would make a good sociologist, but I am exceedingly socially awkward, ironically.
I am obsessive about proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.� I have a caustic sense of humor and Iapos;m rather cynical.� However, I really do love nothing more than to laugh.� I love clever humor, such as wordplay or innuendo.� I have an absurdly dirty mind; I can pull more dirty meaning out of any given situation than a boy usually can.
If Iapos;m happy, Iapos;m very hyper and talkative; if Iapos;m angry, Iapos;m dead silent.� I have a huge fear of confrontation, rejection, and needles.� I�dislike tomatoes and carbonated drinks like (soda) pop.� I like very unique baby names.� Iapos;m an only child and I live in a rural area.� My only companions at home are my dogs.� But right now Iapos;m in college a state away from my home-state.� Math and science are my worst subjects.
Iapos;m very friendly and I tend to like everyone until they do something to cause me to dislike them.� Unfortunately, this is very easy to do.�� I have a strong suspicion that I am/have either bipolar, OCD, and/or a rage disorder.
Oh yeah, and I like writing in stream-of-consciousness style, as you may have noticed.� :)

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